Remember to Register to vote by July 10th, 2023

Issue 1 asks voters if Ohio should “Require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio (by the General Assembly or by Citizen-led ballot initiative) receive the approval of at least 60 percent of eligible voters voting on the proposed amendment.”


The intention of the "ballot initiative" process was to have Ohioans amend their own Constitution. Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen big money interests from outside of Ohio use the ballot initiative process in off-year elections to change the Constitution to benefit their self-interests. The question begs to be asked, "Should interests from outside of Ohio be able to change the Ohio Constitution?"


Ohio has held four constitutional conventions: 1802, 1851, 1874 and in 1912. At the 1912 convention progressive reformists, led by former President Theodore Roosevelt, passed 33 amendments. The "citizen led ballot initiative" was one of these amendments. The amendment was sold as a fail-safe for a corrupt and out of control government that failed to represent the people and only represented rich special interests. Ohio had been experiencing a tremendous amount of corruption in government since the Civil war that had been attributed to corruption that started with Ohioans Jay Cooke and Ohio Governor Salmon Chase.

The 1912 constitutional convention was a victory for the anti-establishment (progressives and conservative Republicans) over the establishment (corrupt Republicans doing the bidding of the moneyed class.)

Today, the Ohio ballot initiative process is no longer the antidote to special interests and the moneyed class; it is their vehicle of choice to attempt to get their way without having to endure the scrutiny and compromise of the legislative process.


It is very common for organizations to require a three-fifths (60%) majority, or two-thirds (67%) majority, or a three-quarter (75%) majority to amend their organizational bylaws or constitution. The thought is that laws governing the organization should not be made by barely a majority (50% + 1) but by a greater amount to demonstrate that minority viewpoints are respected. Setting the threshold for passage higher, demonstrates that a typical majority needs a portion of the minority to change the laws governing the organization.


The Ohio General Assembly, by joint resolution, may place any Amendment to the Ohio Constitution on the ballot with a three-fifths (60%) approval. The Ohio General Assembly currently respects minority viewpoints more than the ballot initiative process does.

This is not the only precedent, for example: The Ohio Democrat Party's own constitution requires a 60% majority to amend it.


Big money interests from outside of Ohio are trying to radically expand abortion and "woke" ideology in Ohio. This would grossly change Parental Rights forever in Ohio. It would prevent parents from having a say if their child can receive an abortion, a surgery that mutilates their ability to procreate in the future, or what gender they identify at school.

This ballot initiative, if passed, potentially lays the legal groundwork to take children from their parents if they interfere in a child's gender decisions or reproductive decisions.

This is being done in an off-year election cycle (2023) when very few voters vote. Normally, about 10% of regular voters vote in off year elections meaning that 5% of voters could change the Constitution for all Ohioans.


Fifteen states other than Ohio have citizen led ballot initiatives - Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, and South Dakota.

Florida has a 60% supermajority requirement and HJR129 attempted to increase the three-fifths majority to a two-thirds majority.

Missouri is still considering legislation to increase their threshold to 60%.

Some of the other states have laws on the books that prohibit paying petition circulators, have significantly higher petition signature requirements, or only allow Ballot initiative to be placed in even year elections when most voters vote.