Chapter 4 Discussion Questions

These questions are intended to stimulate thought and discussion. They are particularly designed for Sunday school and small groups.

1) Denmark has chosen to remove gender dysphoria from its list of mental disorders despite the consensus of the medical community, and despite the absence of objective evidence supporting such a decision. Why is this significant?

a) Can a vote among politicians change the reality of a mental disorder?

b) If this decision is not based upon medical evidence, then what is likely motivating this decision? What are the implications of this?

2) If an individual perceives themselves differently than the testimony of objective reality, does that person have a mental disorder? Why?

a) What are other mental disorders of assumption?

b) Fundamentally, how is the belief of an anorexic that they are too fat different from the belief of a transgender that they are a different gender from their biological sex?

3) The DSM-V re-classified gender identity disorder as gender dysphoria which focuses the attention on only those who feel distressed by their gender identity. Is this mental disorder limited to the feeling of distress, not the confusion of gender? What would the implications of this be?

4) What reliable authority can we turn to for answering the question of what causes transgenderism?

a) Do we have enough to reliable data to scientifically and conclusively prove the cause of transgenderism? What are the implications of this?

5) What objective means of determining gender exist?

a) Are personal feelings objective? As such, are they a reliable standard for determining truth? Why?

6) Do we need to know what causes transgenderism to know whether or not it is sinful behavior? Why?

7) Should an individual’s biology and mental health be the basis for determining the morality of any behavior? Why?

a) What determines morality?

b) What makes something sinful?

8) Does God provide exemptions of sinful behavior for those who are born with a predisposition to sin? Why?

a) If it is discovered that transgenderism is something that a person is born with, would it cease to be sinful behavior in God’s sight? Why?

b) Is anyone born without a predisposition to sin? Why?

c) How can God expect us to live holy lives if we are born with a predisposition to sin?

9) How can an individual overcome temptation?

a) Is any temptation or tendency too strong for the Christian to overcome? Why?

10) Does God hold the individual struggling with transgender feelings to a different standard from anyone else, such as a person struggling with feelings of rage, bitterness, hatred, or lust?

a) Is transgenderism a greater sin than any other?

b) Does God judge transgenderism differently from other sins? Why?

11) How can a Christian flee from the sin of transgenderism in today’s culture?

12) How can a Christian pursue righteousness in an environment where they are expected to celebrate transgender behavior?

Transitioning by Timothy Zebell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


“Timothy Zebell has carefully studied the Scriptures and discerned the culture to provide a foundational understanding of transgenderism and its implications. Although not openly discussed in many Christian circles, if we are not informed on this issue, we will give this generation over to transgenderism, just like the last generation was given over to homosexuality. To help young people embrace how God has created them, this book is a must read!”

Dave Warn

Director, Forerunners of America