Chapter 5 Discussion Questions
These questions are intended to stimulate thought and discussion. They are particularly designed for Sunday school and small groups.
1) How would you react if a pregnant trans man walked into your local church?
a) How would you treat your neighbor differently if they were a pregnant trans man?
2) If scientific and medical advances make a total gender change possible, would this change the way you think of sex-reassignment surgery? Why?
a) Do you think a total gender change will ever be possible? Why?
3) Scientists have discovered how to create sperm and eggs using skin cells, how to convert an ovary into a teste, and how to grow sex organs in a laboratory. Do you think they have crossed a moral or ethical line? Why?
4) One of today’s chief arguments against sex-reassignment surgery is that such a procedure mutilates healthy tissue. If customized sex organs can be grown in a laboratory and successfully transplanted, then the healthy tissue is not being mutilated (only removed). Given such, would sex-reassignment surgeries become appropriate? Why?
a) If sex-reassignment surgeries are not appropriate even if healthy tissue is not being mutilated, then why do Christians focus so much attention on the argument that healthy tissue is being mutilated?
5) One of today’s chief arguments against sex-reassignment surgery is that such a procedure is not natural. If doctors can use genetic therapy to convert ovaries into testes, or vice versa, and if they can grow custom sex organs using the individual’s DNA, then does such a procedure become appropriate? Why?
a) If sex-reassignment surgeries are not appropriate even if they primarily utilize natural processes, then why do Christians focus so much attention on the argument that sex-reassignment is not natural?
6) Scientists are endeavoring to create artificial wombs. If a baby can develop entirely outside of the womb, then does the male/female gender binary really matter? Why?
a) If an individual’s sex organs are not used to reproduce, but only for cosmetic and pleasure purposes, then do they really matter? Why?
7) Would a post-gender society be liberating? Why?
8) How is the 21st Century’s obsession fundamentally redefining the concept of humanity?
9) As Christians, we can appeal to no higher authority than the Bible. Why?
10) How does our theology determine our sexuality?
a) How are human beings unique from animals?
b) According to the Bible, how many genders did God create?
c) What does the nature of the Trinity teach us about the nature of genders?
11) If the sexual design of our bodies is at least a partial reflection of Himself, then our sexuality is sacred. Why?
a) Why is it significant that in the Bible’s account of how gender was established, God refers to Adam’s body as sacral architecture?
b) If our bodies are sacred, then are we never permitted to change anything about our bodies? Why?
12) Does Deuteronomy 29:29 teach that we should not question and explore the things that we don’t understand? Why?
a) What does Deuteronomy 29:29 mean when it says that the secret things belong to our God?
13) What are some of the ways in which our bodies are designed to accomplish our specific purpose and role?
Transitioning by Timothy Zebell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
“Timothy Zebell has carefully studied the Scriptures and discerned the culture to provide a foundational understanding of transgenderism and its implications. Although not openly discussed in many Christian circles, if we are not informed on this issue, we will give this generation over to transgenderism, just like the last generation was given over to homosexuality. To help young people embrace how God has created them, this book is a must read!”